Coursera: Machine Learning (Week 3) Quiz - Logistic Regression | Andrew NG


1.Logistic Regression
Don't just copy & paste for the sake of completion. The solutions uploaded here are only for reference.They are meant to unblock you if you get stuck somewhere.Make sure you understand first.
  1. Suppose that you have trained a logistic regression classifier, and it outputs on a new example a prediction  = 0.2. This means (check all that apply):
    •  Our estimate for P(y = 1|x; θ) is 0.8.
    •  Our estimate for P(y = 0|x; θ) is 0.8.
    •  Our estimate for P(y = 1|x; θ) is 0.2.
    •  Our estimate for P(y = 0|x; θ) is 0.2.
  1. Suppose you have the following training set, and fit a logistic regression classifier .
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Which of the following are true? Check all that apply.
    •  Adding polynomial features (e.g., instead using 
    •  At the optimal value of θ (e.g., found by fminunc), we will have J(θ) ≥ 0.
    •  Adding polynomial features (e.g., instead using ) would increase J(θ) because we are now summing over more terms.
    •  If we train gradient descent for enough iterations, for some examples  in the training set it is possible to obtain .

  1. For logistic regression, the gradient is given by . Which of these is a correct gradient descent update for logistic regression with a learning rate of  ? Check all that apply.
    •   (simultaneously update for all j). ANSWER
    •  .
    •   (simultaneously update for all j). ANSWER
    •   (simultaneously update for all j).

  1. Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.
    •  The one-vs-all technique allows you to use logistic regression for problems in which each  comes from a fixed, discrete set of values.
    •  For logistic regression, sometimes gradient descent will converge to a local minimum (and fail to find the global minimum). This is the reason we prefer more advanced optimization algorithms such as fminunc (conjugate gradient/BFGS/L-BFGS/etc).
    •  The cost function  for logistic regression trained with  examples is always greater than or equal to zero.
    •  Since we train one classifier when there are two classes, we train two classifiers when there are three classes (and we do one-vs-all classification).
    • 5.Suppose you train a logistic classifier . Suppose . Which of the following figures represents the decision boundary found by your classifier?
      •   Figure:
        enter image description here ANSWER
      •   Figure:
        enter image description here

      •   Figure:
        enter image description here

      •   Figure:
        enter image description here
      • 一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一
      •  Machine Learning Coursera-All weeks solutions [Assignment + Quiz]   click here
                                 Coursera Google Data Analytics Professional Quiz Answers   click here

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        Thanks & Regards,
        - Wolf


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